Revolutionizing the Screen: Exciting Video Marketing Trends of 2024

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Video marketing is a powerful tool for promoting your brand, product, digital service, or message. It educates your audience and boosts engagement on social and digital channels. Incorporating videos into your marketing strategy is relatively simple, but it requires tracking customer engagement and monitoring various metrics. Despite being just one part of the marketing puzzle, video marketing trends are increasingly crucial in today’s digital landscape.

It strengthens lead generation efforts and drives sales by providing personalized customer engagement. Short-form video content, shoppable videos, live-action explainer videos, user-generated content videos, virtual reality videos, artificial intelligence videos, augmented reality videos, and blog videos are some of the key trends in video marketing trends for 2024, offering exciting opportunities to connect with audiences in new and innovative ways.

What Is Video Marketing?

Incorporating a video format into your marketing strategy is a smart move to promote your brand, product, service, or message. Video marketing can effectively educate your audience and boost engagement on social and digital channels.



How Video Marketing Works

Using videos for marketing is a relatively simple process. Your marketing team can create videos that promote your brand, drive sales, increase awareness of your products and services, or engage customers. However, video marketing is a data-driven discipline, which means that your team must be able to track customer engagement and monitor various metrics.

Video marketing is just one piece of the overall marketing puzzle. However, it is becoming increasingly important thanks to the internet and social media. Video marketing can play a significant role in your marketing strategy, and it is worth considering when planning your next campaign.

Importance of Video Marketing

Importance of Video Marketing

Video content is highly popular among customers and businesses alike. Companies turn to video marketing to increase brand discovery, awareness, and engagement, which leads to higher engagement rates, especially in the B2B industry.

The video marketing trends are undeniable, as they revolutionize how brands leverage video content and how people consume it. Video marketing strengthens lead generation efforts, with 90% of marketers reporting that it has helped them generate leads.

Moreover, video marketing is a powerful tool that encourages personalized customer engagement and drives sales. 87% of marketers say video content is crucial in converting prospects into customers. Additionally, demo videos and Q&A sessions reduce support queries, with a 53% reduction in overall operational costs.

Video Marketing Trends of 2024

Video Marketing Trends of 2024

1. Short-form video content

Short-form videos are the new kings of social media, captivating viewers with their snappy, engaging style that packs a powerful punch for marketers. These videos are less than 60 seconds long and can significantly impact the amount of time viewers spend watching your content. They can range from under 60 seconds to 5 minutes long and are perfect for platforms like TikTok, Reels, and Shorts, making them a sensation.

Statistics show that 68% of viewers stick around for the entire length of a short video, making them an ideal format for product demos, behind-the-scenes footage, user testimonials, and quick, valuable tips that are perfect for today’s fast-paced audience. Even traditional newspapers are getting in on the trend!

The secret to making a successful short-form video is to mix in information and fun within the first 20 seconds. Bite-sized videos offer the best ROI for product and service promotions, and there are plenty of great examples to draw inspiration from. For instance, check out this under 60-second short from Slack that conveys its “Work, Simplified” message without voice-over or on-screen text.

Another great example is this simple 2D animation from Starbucks that creatively answers the question, “Why does Starbucks blend coffee?” while telling the brand’s story.

2. Shoppable videos

Consumers crave more brand videos, and the numbers don’t lie. 91% of them want more. And with shoppable videos, the e-commerce game is forever changed. These videos allow viewers to shop for products straight from the video, significantly increasing conversions and engagement.

Did you know that 70% of consumers make buying decisions based on videos? And that 81% of marketers experience a sales boost from video content. That’s because videos create emotional connections, target audiences, and streamline the buying process.

The best part? Shoppable videos result in a 30% bump in conversions. Creating them is a breeze — all you need to do is curate content, create galleries, add product tags, and integrate them into your e-commerce platforms.

The impact is significant: 66% more qualified leads and 80% of consumers feel confident in video-driven purchases. With shoppable videos, engagement meets direct sales, and it’s the perfect approach to building an approachable brand. Don’t miss out on this fusion of video and shopping. Try shoppable videos today, and get ready to see your sales soar!

3. Live-action Explainer Videos

Live-action explainer videos are an excellent way to add flair to your marketing content in video marketing trends. They blend real-life scenarios with a dash of animation to create a dynamic and impactful format. Over 40% of marketers prefer this type of video as it provides a quick and engaging glimpse into products or services. These videos are found on websites, social media platforms, and events.

The secret to creating a winning explainer video lies in several key elements. Firstly, it should have clear and relatable messaging, with examples showcasing consistent branding. Secondly, a compelling call to action is essential to prompt viewers to take action. Finally, a touch of humor can be the cherry on top if it fits your brand’s vibe.

These videos dive into pain points, offer solutions, showcase key features, and prompt action, all in a brief and captivating format. This approach is perfect for connecting with your audience, informing them, and driving their actions.

4. UGC videos

User-generated content (UGC) videos can work like a charm for marketers in video marketing trends, as they are authentic and influential and can easily boost sales for small businesses. Your customers or followers generate UGC content; when it comes in the form of a video, it’s like striking gold in marketing. These videos, whether tutorials, reviews, or unboxings, can help you reach a wider audience, create a community, and increase social engagement.

The beauty of UGC videos is that they’re cost-effective, help you reach more people, and build trust by letting real people vouch for your brand. Also, using hashtags, influencer collaborations, and contests can power up your UGC game.

But here’s the magic of UGC videos: they add an extra layer of authenticity, making your brand resonate more deeply with your audience. Whether it’s organic customer content or specialised UGC creation, these videos tell real stories that connect you with your audience like never before.

Check out GoPro’s campaigns to see a great example of how to nail UGC marketing. They ran a cool campaign during the pandemic where customers shot thrilling home videos. It wasn’t just a fun activity at home and a chance to win a GoPro by submitting their video.



5. Virtual Reality (VR) Videos

Virtual Reality (VR) is not just a buzzword; it is revolutionizing the marketing game and is expected to generate billions of dollars in revenue. Businesses across industries leverage VR videos to create immersive experiences for their customers, showcasing destinations and properties like never before. These videos take viewers on a virtual tour of hotels, resorts, and other properties while engaging storytelling sparks wanderlust and deeply connects with the audience.

But VR videos are more than just a way to showcase amazing properties. They are a stepping stone to the metaverse, a collective virtual space where interactions happen in real-time. By embracing VR, businesses can offer unique experiences to their audiences and tap into this evolving digital realm. Creating captivating VR experiences prioritizes audience engagement over details. By adding playful challenges or weaving compelling narratives, businesses can turn passive viewing into active participation, leaving a lasting impression on audiences.

With VR’s soaring potential and its ties to the metaverse, businesses that adopt this technology can redefine their marketing strategies and create unforgettable experiences for audiences venturing into this new digital frontier.

6. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Videos

AI is transforming video marketing by utilizing advanced algorithms to automate editing, personalize content, and increase audience engagement. AI-powered tools streamline video production and analytics, providing insights for optimized content. Essentially, AI in video employs smart technology to automate tasks and personalize content for enhanced engagement, revolutionizing how videos are created and targeted and offering smoother processes and valuable insights.

These tools include AI video generators like DeepBrain AI, Pictory, and Elai, which showcase AI’s impact by creating realistic videos and aiding production. These platforms make video marketing more engaging and accessible. AI will bring even more personalization, real-time analytics, dynamic advertisements, voice-controlled experiences, emotional analysis, global translations, and improved influencer collaborations to video marketing. AI is set to redefine the future landscape of video marketing.

7. Augmented Reality (AR) Videos

Augmented Reality (AR) is a fascinating technology that allows computer-generated elements to merge with the real world, creating interactive experiences for mobile phone users. It’s not a mere tech fantasy but a powerful tool projected to reach a market worth $97.76 billion by 2028. AR can captivate consumer attention, allowing brands to create excitement and buzz around their products.

AR serves as a canvas for brands to showcase their values and stories creatively, breaking free from conventional content strategies. The interactive nature of AR puts consumers in control of their experiences, allowing them to explore a digital world in a physical space or engage with content. This novelty factor fuels curiosity and amplifies brand visibility.

The blend of reality and digital opens up endless creative possibilities for brands to create stand-out campaigns. Instead of sticking to conventional “About Us” pages, AR allows brands to narrate their stories in captivating ways that leave a lasting impression.

One of the most vivid and powerful examples of AR is Niantic’s Pokémon GO, which allows users to catch Pokémon by superimposing images of the creatures onto the real world. Another great example is the IKEA AR place, which lets shoppers test and visualise products in their space before purchasing.

8. Blog with Videos

Videos have become ubiquitous in digital content, appearing on blogs and social platforms like TikTok, YouTube, and ads. Unsurprisingly, they’re taking over online traffic, expected to dominate 82% of it.

Facebook and Snap Inc. have massive daily video views, and engagement skyrockets when videos are incorporated into blog posts. This leads to more shares, improved SEO, and a massive surge in user engagement. Videos in blogs offer a vibrant and engaging twist to regular text posts. They’re not just an accessory; they’re a spotlight that grabs search engine and reader attention.

These videos rejuvenate content in video marketing trends, attracting more views and inbound links and turning blog posts into multimedia experiences that captivate audiences. With the evolution of the video marketing landscape, video marketers must take advantage of these trends going into 2024. But we are just scratching the surface.

Several other innovative video marketing formats in video marketing trends of 2024, such as interactive and educational videos, are also on the rise, giving marketers a unique opportunity to diversify their marketing content. You can learn more about these emerging trends on our blog. 2024 is the perfect time to elevate your video marketing strategy with animated videos.


Video marketing continues to be a dynamic and essential component of any successful marketing strategy. The trends for 2024 highlight the importance of engaging and interactive content that resonates with audiences on a personal level. By leveraging these trends, businesses can enhance their brand visibility, drive customer engagement, and ultimately, achieve their marketing goals in the digital age.

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